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Why are county vendors giving thousands to Lesley Briones? 

It wasn't easy to make the decision to call out Judge Briones' questionable ethics on campaign donations, but we think voters deserve to know. 


A Houston Chronicle investigation found County Commissioners received $5.9 million  in campaign contributions  from county vendors. 


In return,  County Commissioners gave $300 million  of taxpayer funds back  to these vendors  in no-bid contracts.

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Despite this recent investigation,  Lesley Briones has already accepted $54,000 from county vendors, plus another $54,000 from attorneys that argued cases in her court.

Below is a  table that lists current county vendors who have contributed to Judge Lesley Briones campaign. 

We don't think a system where vendors donate to political campaigns in return for government contracts is right for Harris County.

And for this reason, we don't think Judge Lesley Briones is right for Harris County.


        2022 Democratic Primary Runoff         

EARLY VOTING - May 16th to May 20th


Political Advertising Paid For By Ben Chou For Texas.

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